Northeast Regional
Education Cooperative (REC#4)

Education—The Key to Success

Teen Outreach Program (TOP)

Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program (TOPᴿ) promotes the positive development of adolescents through curriculum-guided, interactive group discussions; positive adult guidance and support; and community service learning. TOP is delivered by trained adult facilitators across a nine-month period to groups of teens (called “TOP Clubs”). TOP is designed to meet the developmental needs of middle and high school teens and can be implemented in a variety of settings, including in-school, after-school, through community-based organizations, or inᴿ™ systems and institutional settings, including residential facilities. The TOP Curriculum is focused on key topics related to adolescent health and development, including building social, emotional, and life skills; developing a positive sense of self; and connecting with others.

Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program (TOP) has been implemented successfully with diverse communities and in both urban and rural environments. Independent research reviews by federal agencies and organizations have recognized TOP for its evidence-base.