Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you, educators!
As we enter this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to all of our NEREC/REC#4 member teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, and all those who work with and volunteer to support teachers as collaborative effective team members towards one goal:
Meeting the educational and social-emotional needs of all NMs students by supporting and building up all NM teachers.
Because teaching actualities have undergone tremendous change and continue to do so, we salute all teachers who have persevered and continue to deliver and strive toward quality classroom instruction for all students.
You are most certainly appreciated, to say the least, so good luck with these remaining days of this school year, and enjoy your short time off.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Welcome to the online home of Northeast Regional Education Cooperative (REC#4). Established in 1984 by the New Mexico State Department of Education, REC#4 is one of ten regional education cooperatives in New Mexico. REC#4 provides training, technology assistance, administration support, grant administration, and other services to seven public school districts and one charter school. Located in Las Vegas, New Mexico, REC#4 serves the Pecos, Mora, Santa Rosa, Wagon Mound, Santa Fe Indian School, West Las Vegas, and Las Vegas City school districts.
Our organization is designed to provide resources and support to our member districts as well as the families served by those districts. We offer specific programs and services for our teachers, a resource library, helpful resources for parents, and much more. Please browse through our website for any information you may need, or download our informative brochure. Feel free to contact us if there’s anything you cannot find on the pages of this website.
NEREC Council Meeting
The NEREC council meets every second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the NMHU-TEC building, room 303.
Member Districts
At NEREC, we are dedicated to providing professional development, resources, parent assistance, personnel recruitment, and so much more to the districts and families within our cooperative’s boundaries. We invite you to visit the websites of the districts that help to make up NEREC.
- Las Vegas City Public School District
- Mora Independent School District
- Pecos Independent School District
- Santa Rosa Consolidated School District
- Wagon Mound Public School District
- West Las Vegas Public School District

Building Better Readers Literacy project

The Northeast Regional Education Cooperative (NEREC/REC#4) developed the Building Better Readers Project (BBRP) to improve literacy skills and build excitement around reading and English Language Arts (ELA) achievement for over 4,900 children attending high-poverty, high-minority schools in northeast New Mexico.